This statement is made in accordance with Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, which states out that we, Interlink Direct Ltd, have taken and are taking actions to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our supply chain or in any part of our business. The information included in the statement refers to the financial year 2016.
Our employees are expected to report concerns and management are expected to act upon them.
Organisation Structure
We are a well-established, high-quality food and beverage importer and distributor based in London, UK. We source a wide range of quality products and supply to both large and small Oriental Supermarkets, Cash & Carry outlets and retailers throughout UK and Ireland. Our UK office is in Essex, with ambient warehouse and frozen. The company has an annual turnover of £14 million.
Interlink Direct Ltd considers that modern slavery encompasses:
- Human trafficking;
- Forced work, through mental or physical threat;
- Being owned or controlled by an employer through mental or physical abuse of the threat of abuse;
- Being dehumanised, treated as a commodity or being bought or sold as property;
- Being physically constrained or to have restriction placed on freedom of movement.
Our Supply Chains
Our supply chains include the sourcing of raw material principally related to the provision of food and beverages.
Our Policies On Slavery and Human Trafficking
We are committed to ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain or in any part of our business. Our anti-slavery policy, together with our honest and ethical behaviour, reflects our commitment to acting ethically and integrity in all our business relations. We also implement and enforce effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.
Due Diligence Processes for Slavery and Human Trafficking
As part of our initiative to identify and diminish any area of risks, we have in place systems and procedures:
- We will review current conditions and states of our supply chain
- All employees are encouraged to notify if they have any concerns that slavery and human trafficking is taking place.
- We carry out a variety of checks and reviews to ensure that suppliers we engage with have sufficient capability and capacity to comply with our policy.
- Where possible we build long standing relationships with local and abroad suppliers and make clear our expectations of business behaviour.
Further Steps to be Undertaken
Following the overall review of the effectiveness of measures we have taken to ensure there is no human slavery or trafficking taking place in our supply chain, we intend to take the following further steps to combat this.
- Training will be developed and provided to relevant member of staff
- Certain suppliers may be asked to produce a statement or report, setting out steps they have taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of their business. We may request this where we see certain parts of our supply chain has an increased risk of slavery or human trafficking.
Yin Ha Kwok
Interlink Direct Ltd