
億達行 Interlink Direct Ltd


我們定期參加不同的貿易推廣和示範,以提高我們的市場形象,及拓展新的市場。我們還會於各大媒體 - 電視,報紙和雜誌刊登廣告。

透過我們積極的銷售策略,促銷和廣告,我們的目標是將我們的產品比其他同類產品在市場上更高一籌,務求確保我們的產品能在英國和愛爾蘭的每一間東方超市的架上售賣。 多年來億達行一直提供優質的產品及可靠的服務,因此億達行一直是客戶信賴的合作夥伴。


Interlink-Direct Ltd is a well established, high quality food and beverage importer and distributor based in London, UK.

A comprehensive range of premium Chinese and oriental products are offered by Interlink Direct. We are also proud to be the sole distributor for a handful of multimillion-worth brands most well-known in the industry.
Reputation of Interlink Direct has been built on the quality and safety of our products, our specialist knowledge and our consistent service commitment.
Our success is attributed to our continuous effort in supplying the very best food and beverage products at competitive prices.
Interlink-Direct Ltd, is passionate about the products it sells and strives to offer customers the very best in unrivalled, quality, premium goods from our vast network of suppliers.

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