康樂產品 Honor Products
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康樂簡介 About Us
康樂牌為你帶來超過60款產品, 其中包括百吃不厭的手工包子餃子!
我們精心挑選打造最優質安全,而且性價比高的各種中華地方美食, 為每個吃康樂牌的您帶來健康歡樂!
爲什麽選康樂牌? Why chooses us?
1. 嚴選原材料: 好味道就是源自好食材! 康樂牌的所有產品都是最上盛的食材。我們的采購團隊走偏歐洲亞洲多個國家,爲大家精心挑選最優質的食物,把最好的帶到英國。
1. Authentic flavour by authentic masters
Our Chinese dim sum masters are highly experienced in making dumplings, this guarantees the real Chinese flavours.
2. 傳統正宗工藝:康樂牌的冷凍加工產品如包子餃子等美食,都是由中國籍的地道點心師傅于英國匠心製作,手工包製,每一裹餃子包子裏都是熱誠!
2. Best ingredients that bring out the best flavours
Ingredients are sourced from the best suppliers across the UK, Europe and Asia, for instance our zongzi is made of pork and chicken are from farms in the UK and those aromatic bamboo leaves are from specialised bamboo farms in China.
3. 安全至上,合符歐盟標準: 康樂產品由專業認可的工廠生產, 讓您和家人吃得放心!康樂牌含有肉的冷凍加工產品如包子餃子等美食,全都是于英國新鮮製造, 政府認可工廠專業製作, 信心保證!
3. 100% Made by government-monitored and authorized factories
For the processed products, our factory is fully approved by the UK Government. Production processes are compliant to the required standards and are monitored.
Transportation costs are also kept to minimum when these freshly made frozen dim sums are made locally in the UK.
4. 優良品質,平凡價格: 雖然不能在家鄉,但也能吃到家鄉的味道,特惠的價錢讓想家的您什麽時候都能吃到!
4. Unbeatable Prices
We understand how tough it might be for those of you who are away from home. So we keep the prices low regardless of the excellent quality we uphold. We hope everyone could enjoy the authentic tastes at an affordable price.
5. 健康減添加:康樂產品不衹是安全, 更是健康! 我們的宗旨是爲大家帶來健康,快樂,所以產品都絕無不必要的防腐劑和添加劑,讓您一家人吃得開心放心!
5. Minimal Additives and Preservatives: Honor products are not just safe and tasty but also healthy! Our motto is to uphold healthy natural diet to make everyone live a happy life. We keep any preservatives and additives to the bare minimum.
Honor Products are available from oriental retailers across United Kingdom.
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