Interlink Direct Ltd Annual Dinner 2015

On Saturday 28th February, Interlink Direct was pleased to host yet another successful annual dinner! All colleagues celebrated together along with family and friends and joyfully participated in the range of activities prepared for the evening.

Our Smiling Faces after a Wonderful Supper 

Some of the prizes at the highly anticipated Lucky Draw  

Welcome Toast to Everyone! 

Colleagues and guests enjoying live performances 

The thrilling and exciting prize draw along with an amusing quiz encouraged everyone's competitive side! The evening was abundant in great food, enjoyable company and countless laughs. May there be many more to come!

Posted on March 5, 2015 .

Interlink Direct Ltd interviewed by China Daily (Europe)

China Daily European Weekly. ( 5-11.Sep 2014 Issue )

China Daily European Weekly. ( 5-11.Sep 2014 Issue )

Ms Rita Kwok, founder and director of Interlink Direct, was interviewed by China Daily (Europe) recently. Rita shared the various the ways to build up a successful company, to do business with counterparts in China and to become sole distributor of many popular oriental brands. The interview was featured on China Daily European Weekly. (5-11.Sep.2014)

Read full article here:

Posted on September 26, 2014 .

Interlink Direct Ltd Speaking at the Doing Business in China Seminar at HSBC Headquarters

Interlink Presentation - Sourcing in China

Interlink Presentation - Sourcing in China

Florence Au presenting Interlink Direct Ltd as a case study.

Florence Au presenting Interlink Direct Ltd as a case study.

Interlink Direct was honoured to be invited by the HSBC and China-British Business Council (CBBC) to speak at a business seminar held at the HSBC headquarters in London, on 10th September 2014. A total of 5 speakers were there to share their expertise and knowledge about doing business in China as an SME. The event attracted over 150 guests, among whom were entrepreneurs, SME owners, CEOs, bankers, academics and other professionals.


Posted on September 26, 2014 .